Question Banks

Mark as you Go
Timed Mock Exams
Feedback on Exams

Mark as you Go

Correct answer shown and explanations provided after the question is answered.

Timed Mock Exams

Results & Explanations given after you've completed the whole exam in a given time.


Explanations available for all questions in database to assist you in understanding.

Question Bank Information

Average Scores

A List of all exams you have taken and your average scores in % is displayed on each subjects question bank page.

Mark as you go Exams are best to begin however they don’t match the pressure of a timed exam and the chance to change an answer before clicking finish like the real thing!

Exams Taken

A visual representation of the amount of quizzes you have taken for each subject is available on the main page of each subject, in it’s question bank. 

Average Scores

Find out how many questions are available for each topic on the student dashboard.

Recently Seen Questions

Its vital members report recently seen questions to us so we can add them to our banks. The most recent reported questions are also added to a quiz on selected subjects. Report a Question Here.

Learn about our Question Banks

Whether you’re just starting out or fine-tuning your aviation skills, our Question Banks are your go-to resource for achieving excellence.

✈️ 1,000+ Questions: We’ve gathered a vast array of PPL exam questions, covering all aspects of your training. Expect questions that reflect the real exam, ensuring you’re fully prepared.

🚁 All 9 subjects: covered in our question banks, following feedback from students who have taken the exams, are regularly updated with new ppl questions to help you practice.

✈️ In-Depth Explanations: Our detailed answer explanations give you the knowledge you need. You won’t just know the right answer – you’ll understand why it’s correct, empowering you to tackle any question that comes your way.

🚁 User-Friendly Interface: Our intuitive platform makes studying a breeze. Easily navigate through the question bank, mark questions for review, and track your progress to focus on areas that need improvement.

✈️ Mobile Accessibility: Study on-the-go with our mobile-friendly platform. Take your PPL preparation with you wherever you are, and turn any moment into a learning opportunity.

🚁 Results Dashboard: Track your results using the Question bank dashboard of each subject profile.

Mark as you Go

Answers & Explanations
in the moment.

A beneficial learning technique when you first start to work your way through the exams, is to get the correct answer and reasoning, immediately after submitting your answer the the question.

PPL Question bank exams marked as you go

Learn as you Go

Mark as you Go Question banks are a productive way to learn the material.

This method does not reflect the nature of the actual exams but is a low pressure way of getting started.

Timed Mock Exams

up the pressure

Timed question banks are there to act as a mock exam and apply some pressure to answer all the questions in good time.

These type of tests prepare you for the feelings you will encounter under time constraints of the real exam.

Answers & Explanations
only after the exam is submitted.

Not knowing if the question is right before you’ve finished the test, checking your answers with the uncertainty of the result to prepare you as much as possible for the real thing.

Test Results

Mistakes become lessons

Feedback List at the end of the exam with explanations

Explanations and the correct answer to help you learn from mistakes after the exam.

Submit Exam Questions

Have Questions to Submit?

Our Question Banks require feedback from students who have taken their exams, if you can remember a question please submit it for review for us to add to our banks.

Error Reporting

Somthing Wrong?

Submit a comment for review.

Report Questions

A simple way to give feedback or report questions in the banks.